Friday, October 5, 2007

Aiyana's Birthday!

We jumped the gun a bit...before we camped on Mount Adams we celebrated the birthday of my best friend, Aiyana Rose Maye! Josh and I rolled into town and then rolled over to Aiyana's apartment where we squealed and hugged (Ana and I, not Josh). We snacked and sipped wine and began to meet the amazing group of people who were soon to become our best buds for the next three weeks. After a few hours of schmoozing we walked to the Good Foot to hear an awesome reggae band called Everyday Prophets. Our friend Rick, from Keene State College, plays bass in the band and we hadn't seen him in years. We boogied and laughed until we shut the place down. It was a great party, and a wonderful birthday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I WANT MY FRIENDS BACK!!!! I love you both and soooo appreciated the extended visit. You both fit so well into life here. It was actually a little strange how normal it felt. Even my friends think you're a perfect match for us. So the votes are in it's agreed that you should come back to Portland. Portland just doesn't feel as weird without you. Safe journeys, I love you.