Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Escape From the Vines, Part III

Our last escape from the vines was to visit a very good old friend, Maxwell MacVeety (my brother from another mother) in Oakland, CA. After our meal and drinks with Brian, Josh and I headed toward Oakland to meet up with Max and his girlfriend Alli at their place. We shmoozed with them and their two adorable cats and then Max, Josh and I headed to a tiny club where Max would be playing later that night. Normally when we see Max behind his drum set he is playing with The Crown City Rockers (who ROCK I might add, more about them to come in future blogs), tonight he was sitting in with another band.

We boogied and whooped and met so many people who raved about Max's skills on the drums. When the band he was playing with started we were thoroughly entertained. Max had told us the lead was "a real showman". We debated who this man reminded us of, finally deciding he must be the love child of Bobby Brown and MC Hammer. He had all the right moves, whether it be walking through the audience handing out roses to the lovely ladies, to tossing handfuls of candy into the hands of his sighing fans.

After the music wound down we headed to a late night Thai place where we ordered HUGE orders of deliciousness. We chatted and munched until the wee hours and then we headed home to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Linds,
So glad you had a good hang with Max. (My Son from another Mother). That definitely didn't come out right. But I know you know exactly what I mean.
Huge love to you both. Continue to travel safe. We're counting the days...