Well, so, it's true, we freaked out! The town of Interior was nice and all, perfect for shooting a film about not much. We got to experience the simple life, the ranch life, the feeling of utter desloation and removal from a society that (now that we have a little perspective) really isn't that bad. But after a few days of such perspective, it was REALLY time to get the heck outta Dodge.
So we hit the road and spent the night in a town of 36 people: Beulah, MT. Next morning... On the road again!
Beulah? Buelah!
Onward to Yellowstone!

Nope, sorry, the East Entrance, which had re-opened the previous morning is now closed due to landslide (it had been closed the previous week for wildfire - someone tell Al Gore we've got a crisis on our hands!)
Oh well, we'd talked about checking out Bozeman, MT, just an hour or two from the north entrance, and since our buddy Luke is moving there this week, it'd be cool to see where he's headed!
As it turned out Luke was already out there, just for the weekend, apartment hunting. What a great bonus, getting to reconnect with a good friend from home while on the road.

Luke, being the true MAN that he is, drove the two hours out from Bozeman (leaving behind what I'm sure was the beginnings of his new Harem) to spend the night with us in Billings. I hope he found it as worth it as we did. We had such a great time! Billings is a surprisingly cool city with a fun downtown nightlife, and the Montana Brewing Company did not disappoint.
Sunday Morning, Truck Fixed, Errands run, Breakfast down the hatch. On to Bozeman for a couple of days.
Bozeman, as Jim put it, is kind of Montana's Northampton. A hip, artsy town chock full of restaurants, bars, fun boutiques and coffee shops. Bozeman's one-up on NoHo is that from just about anywhere you stand, there's a 360 degree panorama of a Rocky Mountain Landscape to behold.
I'm not sure whether we enjoyed the town or the nearby farm landscapes more, but suffice to say, we stayed an extra day or two in Bozeman just to soak it all up.
Bozeman...hmm...i think i'd like to check out that town sometime! But obviously id only go for the view...NOT! love you guys, have a blast at burning man, cant wait to hear all about it!!!
I'm sitting in a dingy hotel in Toledo Ohio, on my way to Bozeman for good. Your post just made me feel so good about this move. I hope I can find some friends near as cool as the two of you. Oh yeah, and ahhh... your sister is more then welcome to stay with me in Bozeman.... :)
Keep up the good posting!!!
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