Starting in Lincoln City, where Lindsay earned the honor of First Police Encounter (oh, she didn't mention that to you?), we had just finished winding our way through the coastal rainforest, and she left her brights on as we entered the little town. The officer that pulled us over was easily the nicest policeman either of us have ever met. He was just so darn curious about all of our silly Massachusetts Laws, our Drivers Licenses, our Registration, you name it. No tickets were issued. I laughed a lot afterwards. Lindsay well, not so much.
Back to the point, the Oregon coast easily boasts some of the most dazzling scenery in the country. Great rolling waves crashing against rocky cliffs for hundreds of miles. Redwood trees accenting the cliff-tops, sporadic sandy beaches dappled the waterline.
The pictures don't do justice (I'm getting tired of saying that, maybe I need a better camera) but here they are:

And this is a natural "geyser" that comes from a hollow rock formation that pressurizes when the waves smash against it. cool beans!
Great post Josh. The video worked perfectly and your camera does just fine. If you click to enlarge the photos, they look great. Your map doesn't always fully load, don't know why, but it ain't no big thang... Keep traveling safe... -Steve
oh boy....Lindsay got pulled over??? Too bad you didn't get that on Video Josh :)
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