It's been a great stay here in North Conway. Delicious coffee, fantastic Pilates classes, and a two-day game of Monopoly (the winner of which, you are currently reading the words of). Here are the highlights as I remember them:
Monday: Walking through the fields near Jon & Sam's. It's beautiful out here.
Tuesday: Sam's Pilates class first thing in the AM (coffee preceeded and also followed this class). Rest of the day, I don't remember off hand - Lindsay and sam kicked ass by also attending an afternoon "core strengthening" class.
Wednesday: Get up, work for a couple of hours. Early afternoon: trip to the river with Linds & Sam (see photo - was a good day for me :-) Late afternoon: a little more work. Evening: Grillin'n'chillin. Late evening, Monopoly, phase one, accompanied by tequilia shots and some fantastic conversation.
Thursday: Morning: get up for 2 amazing business phone calls. Afternoon: scored 60 gallons of grease from a Thai restaurant, also enjoyed their Pad Thai. Evening: attended "Arts Jubilee" at Cranmore, watched Sam perform with her dance company. Late evening: Monopoly, phase II sans-tequilia.
Friday (Today): Morning: got up for another one of Sam's pilates classes (great classes by the way, we were both sore afterward!), came back home to get some more work done and here we are. Looks like we're going camping this weekend, then to the Portsmouth/Portland area on Sunday to connect with Candace and Tim.
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