That's Right! We're finally underway!
Affter all of the packing, the shifting, the repacking, the stressing, the sad goodbyes (we miss you already), and the copius drinking (was it just me, or did we have a goodbye party every day last week?) we closed the apartment doors and opened our minds around 9:45 this morning.
We're heading northeast, going wherever the GPS tells us to go, I'm using mobile internet, our truck is powered by veggie oil controlled by a digital onboard "co-pilot", and we've got a mobile office/entertainment center in the Trailer... we're so very twenty-first century (I'm writing this as we careen down I-90).
For all you nail-biters out there, you can relax, we spent a few hours yesterday at the CDL Training School right down the street from our house. We are now proficient (if not efficient) backer-uppers and three-point-turners.
Here's the current status:
Who's Driving: Lindsay.
Fuel: SVO (Striaght Veggie Oil)
General Mood: Relaxed.
Truck Engine: Happy.
First Stop: Conway NH with Sam & Jon.
The Plan: none.
Well, given that we barely got a wink of sleep last night and I'm vocabularistically challenged right now (how PC!), I guess I'll just leave it at that.
dan, we almost made it out on saturday.
jim, aren't you proud, I only made up one word!
Haha, I knew it. Bon Voyage!
@Wow - the pictures make it more real. You're really doing it. Yeah!!!!
very cool! take lots and lots of pix! break a leg! or two!
What a great way to enter your engagement...with an experiential inquiry of how you will survive and thrive on the road of life! You'll return a lot smarter...about yourselves, the world and best places to stop along the way.
All the best!
Blog On You Crazy Kids...
We'll all have a great time checking in with you along the way.
Safe travels. We love you even more than you think we do...
And that's sayin' somethin'...
Was that the bottle of champagne I saw in your hands, did you christen the truck? Bravo! "Happy Trailering".
I am so proud of you! It's not often in life that we get the chance to do what we WANT. I can;t wait to see you here in LA. But I'll do the driving. I'd hate to see that thing in my rearview mirror on the 405. Lots of love, beth
Congrats you two. I'm sure your going to have a great time. I am extremely envious. One question....did the bottle break??
Alright, we admit it, we posed that shot!
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